Happy New Year From Us to You

Art by Zak Kramer and Hero Forge. From left to right: Morganna, Kendra and Barbara.

Art by Zak Kramer and Hero Forge. From left to right: Morganna, Kendra and Barbara.

Happy New Year!

I personally am thrilled to see the backside of this dumpster fire of a year get kicked.

I mean, it wasn’t all bad.

Kendra, Morganna and I, with the help of Zak and Chris, and some amazing guests, started the 6DJK podcast, website and blog.

That’s pretty epic. Especially for someone who can’t stand the sound of her recorded voice! (That would be me.)

But you know, with the pandemic and all, that part of 2020 was bad. And losing loved ones, that was awful. And not leaving the house except to walk around outside far from everyone, and homeschooling and all that. Yeah, that part wasn’t so great.

But I’m pretty happy with what we’ve done so far with 6 Degrees of John Keel. It wasn’t unplanned, but it wasn’t overly planned either. Remember, I hate the sound of my recorded voice. (I’m getting more used to it. Eventually, I reckon I’ll get over it.)

No, it was a project that came about because my friend Jacqueline said I should do a podcast to tell all my stories of weird experiences.

And it ballooned from there.

I wasn’t much a podcast listener until Jacqueline put the bug in my ear. Then, I listened, and realized I rather like them. I could listen while I did stuff around the house. Cooking dinner isn’t nearly so boring when someone’s talking to you while you’re doing it.

So, I listened to podcasts and talked Kendra and Morganna into being co-hosts, and then Zak said he’d help with recording and editing and putting together the website. Then I talked Chris into doing some computer analysis, and then I added a blog to the mix, because I used to be a food blogger and I can write blog posts like there’s no tomorrow.

And here we are.

So, now that we’re here, where are we going to go?

Well the first big news I have for the New Year is that we’re going to move to a weekly episode format.

YES! No more every other week episodes! I’m excited about this because we have some great stuff that we’ve recorded and is ready to edit, and we’d love to bring it all to you.

And so we will.

Every Wednesday, starting January 6, we will be putting up a new episode.

We chose Wednesdays as an homage to John Keel’s “Wednesday Phenomena.” That’s where he found after a friend did a computer analysis on several years of UFO sightings that people were more likely to experience something strange on Wednesdays. (I wonder if it’s because the day’s name came from Wotan—otherwise known as Odin—who was a god of magic and mysteries. Along with being the All Father and the king of the Norse Aesir.)

Now, mind you, various other researchers have both proven and disproven the Wednesday Phenomena with their own data analyses on larger sets of data, but it’s neat idea so we stole it for the day we will have new episodes available., barring technical difficulties.

We also will be introducing our fourth team member, Chris, who is doing an exciting data analysis project with us. He’s been involved since the beginning, but mostly in the background. But, he’s gonna come out into the spotlight and join in on some episodes with us.

There’s other fun stuff coming up. More talks around the virtual kitchen table with experiencers,. Discussions with authors, artists and creative thinkers. More stories, more blog posts, more photographs and art. Maybe some live recordings around campfires. Some first hand investigation.

And I think probably a book project.

Yes, I believe I’m finally ready to haul off and actually write a book. That’s all I’m going to say about it for now, but this time, I’m serious, and have topics for two different books.

So, Happy New Year to all y’all!

I hope you’ll have a happy, healthy and productive new year to come with lots of creativity and love and light.

And maybe some Bigfoot. Or the Good Folk. Or a ghost or two. Or some UFO’s.

Because, y’all, the world really is stranger than we think.


The Wandering Canoe


Never Alone