Your Hosts


Barbara Fisher

I’m betwixt and between. I live in the liminal spaces between the known and the unknown,  fact and fable, matter and spirit, darkness and light. Beasties and beauties have danced with me this world and the otherworld my entire existence. I stand at the confluence between the stream of science and the brook  of belief. Let me show you my world.


Morganna Marks

I don't really remember a time where I didn't see strange things, and I was raised to understand and participate in Native American culture, seeing as I'm part Cherokee and Blackfoot, by my step Grandfather and my Grandmother. I have a lifetime of bizarre tales, an affinity for sniffing out strangeness and am very good at remembering odd cases and picking out correlations.

The 6DJK Team


Chris Diltz

I’m a research engineer performing custom data analytics and machine learning on a large collection of humanoid encounter and UFO data with the 6DJK team. I’m hoping to find patterns in the data to lend further credence to the theories of Dr. Jacques Vallee, as well as some new patterns.


Zak Kramer

Musician, sound production and tech guy.