Hello, My Name is Morganna, and I’m an Experiencer.

Recording the first episode of 6DJK.

Recording the first episode of 6DJK.

Hey y’all, nice to meet you! I’m Morganna,

I have the dubious gift of seeing weird shit. I have seen UFO’s, little lights (sometimes called orbs), what I can only call a fairy, and a few ghosts. Uncategorized strangeness and synchronicity dances around in my life at an absurd rate.  My life is pretty normal otherwise-I cook for a living, garden, paint, spend time with my family and friends, go on bike rides and hikes, have a lovely boyfriend, and carry on with life silently braced for odd encounters, courtesy of being a weird shit magnet. 

I grew up in West Bigod Virginia and Athens, Ohio, two places filled with interesting history and tons of bizarre happenings, and cut my eyeteeth on true ghost stories, Native stories about monsters and heroes, fairy folklore and general Fortean happenings. I have always seen things-and so have several members of my family and my friends. Get me and my best friend together and ask us about Sissonville sometime-or any of the houses we lived in together- and get ready for a buffet of the bizarre.

I decided to help my mom and Auntie out with this project because I’m interested to see what happens-I am terribly curious-and, well, I’m from WV and you help your mama out where I’m from. Plus, I love stories, hearing them and sharing them, and telling my own. Storytelling is a very important part of my cultures-both of ‘em. And really y’all-who doesn’t love a scary story-until you are in the middle of one. I also hope that telling my stories will help others tell their’s, or at least feel a little better knowing they aren’t the only ones who have to deal with weirdness. 

When we first had the idea for 6DJK I wondered what I brought to the table. My mom is a font of information and experience, and has a journalism degree. My Aunt Kendra has tons of encounters, and a degree in Environmental Science-she can throw down a topo map and compare soil compositions with EM field fluctuations and find out if there is a correlation. Chris has a damn doctorate and is building a database of sightings. My step-dad is our tech guy. Hell, even my little bro is doing art for us. Then there’s me-the hillbilly with a crowbar, a sense of humor, and a varied and checkered life. And that, really, is part of what I bring.

I have a background of superstition, lore, folktales, Native stories, history, and a decent amount of common sense. I also have a nose for the weird-I was actually the one who alerted my mother to the uptick in strangeness in 2019 that got this ball rolling. We started keeping track of it then, and it has culminated in the three of us doing this podcasting thing.

Additionally-I have plenty of experiences of my own to add to the stock of weird tales. I act as Research Grunt, hunting down pertinent information, fellow blogger, and an extra set of eyes on our network of folks who notice strange things are afoot. I also have a handy talent for noticing connections between all the oddness in the land of the weird. Once we get around to doing field work-I get to be the one who carries the heavy things! 

Oh wait-I never did explain the crowbar huh?

Well, here we get into the common sense and practical superstition I walk around with. See-I have a high threshold for creepy. I live in a world where creepy stuff happens frequently, and it doesn’t tend to scare the shit out of me in the normal course of events. However-if it gets too creepy, I have the sensible reaction of “Let’s get the hell out of here and come back when the sun’s up!”

My fellow team members? Their creepiness tolerance level is too high for their own good sometimes. My mother once tried to walk TOWARDS a Bigfoot screaming in the middle of the night. Yeah, really. I, on the other hand, would back away slowly and carefully, then high-tail it out of there because having your head ripped off is not a great survival strategy. 

So that’s another thing I bring to the team-The Goddamn Sense In My Head.

I also have a solid strategy of Don’t Do Dumb Shit. Like, don’t walk around in the woods without turning your coat, banging on trees to try to piss off Bigfoot, yell at the ghost to provoke a reaction when investigating a haunting, or any of the other foolishness people come up with. And, for the love of all that is holy-I will NEVER pull a Mulder or Scully and run around without a flashlight. 

I come from people that always have a pocket knife, lighter, light source and multi tool on them, and I plan to keep it that way!

This brings me back to The Crowbar. (Y’all knew I’d get around to it eventually.)

I plan on carrying my handy dandy crowbar that I keep by the door (Iron by the door is always a good idea) with me on night investigations, or any time we’re in the woods. On other trips, it will live in the car.

This is a plan for many reasons-one, it’s cold iron, two it’s sort of my version of a “magic wand”, three, it is a useful tool for opening and hooking onto things, and four, it can smack something a good one-be it rabid raccoons, assholes, or Men in Black.

Do I plan on smacking Bigfoot? No, of course not! But considering that we are three chicks wandering around in lonely places, it seemed like a good idea to bring a beating stick. And if that ain’t practical, hillbilly good sense, I don’t know what is. Nice to meet all y’all, hope to see you around some time!


On Identifying as Weird


Coming Out Strange