Episode 104: High Strangeness Starts With A Library Card with Steve Berg

“The Books Have Eyes” AI art derived from an original photograph, then digitally manipulated by me in several different art apps.

This episode was supposed to be about Weird Nebraska.

You will notice it is not.

That would be because Morganna and I never got around to asking Steve about the neat weird stuff he’s been researching in his home state. We had so much fun talking with Steve Berg about weird stuff in general, and where he came into his love of the paranormal , and about his work as an actor and comedian, that we forgot until the end of the show.

No worries. We’re having Steve back because he gives a taste, at the end of the show, of all the fun stuff he’s been finding, and it’s all so cool we have to hear about it, and we know you want to hear it, too.

And that’s ok, because Steve is an all around fun guy and I’m happy for y’all to hear him talk about his childhood adventures. Oh, and there is much book nerderie going on all through the episode because Steve loves books just as much as we do. Enjoy!


Episode 105: Wild Wonderful Winter with Joshua Cutchin


Episode 103: Cats, Coffee and Cryptids with Dan Trout