Episode 146: Haunting Our Own Houses and Other Stories with Karly
“Haunting Our Own Houses.” Mixed Media/Digital. Barbara Fisher, 2023
Karly Latham, also known as The Village Tarot Witch, is a fun and funny person who has interesting experiencer stories to share. Unlike me, the weirdness didn’t begin in childhood, and she didn’t start out as a believer in anything supernatural. However, as an adult, she moved into a haunted house, and things started getting stranger and stranger and stranger.
There’s a lot here. Spirits, ghosts, card readings, mediumship, PTSD, writing, paranormal investigation and possible astral travel.
Oh, yeah, and the possibility of the living haunting houses they’ve lived in in the past…..
There’s a little bit of adult language—that’s on me—I forgot to mention we try to be sort of family oriented—but I didn’t interrupt her because she was on a roll. I decided to leave it in and just warn listeners in case it might bother y’all.
Karly can be found on Instagram as The Village Tarot Witch or karly.latham .