Episode 63: Are You Experienced? With Vincent Treewell

“Are You Experienced?” Photo by Barbara Fisher, 2021

What makes a person an experiencer?

An experiencer is what John Keel called people who had multiple paranormal events that happened over a long period of time.

Keel recognized that most people, if something weird happens to them, it happens once or twice, and then not again. Or, there’s a flurry of odd activity centered around a discrete period of time, or a single location, such as a house or a stretch of woods, where paranormal things occur over and over.

I’m bringing this up now, because this episode’s guest, Vincent Treewell, notes early in the podcast that he found it odd to be introduced as an experiencer, because he never thought of himself as such.

He then went on to tell me a whole passel of strange happens from his life, in an astonishing variety of types of weirdness.

As I said at one point, “That sounds awfully “experiency” to me!

I’m not going to tell you specifics here, because you need to listen, but Vincent’s stories include: possible past life memories, spirit visitations, a haunted house that maybe had a hungry ghost in residence, synchs galore and an odd sighting of a something or another in the Driftless area of Wisconsin. (Yep. There it is again.) There’s more, lots more.

Also, after we recorded this episode a few weeks back, Vincent sent me a recent experience that certainly borders on the strange and unusual. He gave me permission to include it here:

I had an experience today, WHILE I was listening to your podcast (Episode 62- excellent show BTW) and I don’t know who else to tell about it, besides my wife and son. I was running errands and grocery shopping and had 6DJK playing on my phone. As I parked near a grocery store, there was a man playing the violin on a bench. This is NOT a location performers show up at- I have never seen one there before. I noticed he was not dressed for the weather (it was 11 degrees out). He was Black and I recall he was dressed formally but I can’t recall much detail. I wanted to take his picture for instagram, but thought it would be impolite to photograph a musician without making a small cash contribution, so I went to the store intending to get some cash at check-out.

All of this sounds completely mundane up to this point- but he was playing Celtic folk music and it sounded... enchanting (yes, like literally enchanting). I’m not knowledgable enough about music to identify the song, but I’ve been to enough Irish and Scottish festivals to know a Celtic tune. Maybe I have Fae on the brain, but this seems so surreal. I was only in the store a few minutes, but when I came back out, of course, he was gone.
— Vincent Treewell

Look for more from Vincent on his podcast, The Weird Part. (I love that title, and I’m fixing to listen to the episodes about Marian apparitions, as subject that has always fascinated me.)

Finally, I would like to thank Zak Kramer for the title of this episode, which gave me the idea for the art. Yes, it’s from the Jimi Hendrix song. Hence the psychedelic photo manipulation.


Episode 64: The Adventuress With Allison Jornlin


Episode 62: The Superspectrum of High Strangeness with Steve Ward