Episode 20: Remember the Ladies with Stephanie Quick

The title of this post, “Remember the Ladies,” refers to a letter Abigail Adams wrote to her husband, John Adams on March 31, 1776 in regards to the fight for independence from England.

She wrote: “I long to hear that you have declared an independency. And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.”

Well, I hate to say it, but our second President of the United States didn’t do so well by the ladies as he could have, making women second class citizens in our country from the beginning.

As Abigail Adams predicted, rebellion was fomented and women fought for the right to vote, for the right to bodily autonomy, for the right to have a bank account separate from her husband, to own property and to be educated and to be part of every profession open to men.

And what exactly does this have to do with the field of paranormal research, which is the subject of our podcast?

A great deal, for women have been here from the beginning paranormal research, and this podcast will give you a taste of some of our historical foremothers, as well as some current women who have been movers and shakers in the studies of UFO’s.

Aaaaand, we do talk about misogyny, sadly. Because the paranormal research community is a microcosm of our society as a whole and there’s misogyny here, too.

Now, before I give the links to stuff we talk about in this episode—because we talk about a lot and some of this stuff is fun to read about and explore on your own—let me give a:


If you are offended by the mention of women’s reproductive organs, sexuality or misogyny, don’t listen to this podcast. If the words vagina, clitoris or uterus bother you, move on for now and come back next week. We won’t hold it against you. Not at all.

But no, seriously, this is a fun episode. We go off topic—as always—and discuss mystical experiences with birds, and other fun stuff to go along with the more serious topics at hand.

Relevant Links:

Stephanie Quick’s Blog: Ghost Dog is a Mystery Box

Link to Stephanie on
The Farm Podcast

Videos about Catherine Crow:

The First Ghost Hunt

The Scandal Haunting Catherine Crowe

The Night Side of Nature

Ida Craddock: idacraddock.com

Text of
Heavenly Bridegrooms

The Comstock Act

Excerpts from Carol Rainey’s Unpublished Memoir:

Excerpt I 

Excerpt II

Emma Woods on
David Jacob’s abusive treatment in his research

Experiencer-Friendly Therapy Resources at The Spiritual Emergence Network


Episode 21: Remembering the Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins Case


Episode 19: Running Through the Crazy Fields With John Keel