Episode 124: Gathering Light with Jimmy
Well, hello my Keelian friends!
Another experiencer episode—this one primarily focused on anomalous lights! My favorite!
We had some weird things happen during the recording of this episode. We almost couldn’t record at all, because every time I hit the record button, Jimmy—our guest—was punted off the Internet. So, I got around it by not turning off the recording the last time he got tossed out and waited for him to return and then introduced him, and happily, when I was done he was still with us!
Yay! Then it looked like it didn’t record by the time we got at the end, but it did—-it was up lounging around in the cloud, pretending it was all cool. So Zak edited it all together and we discovered a weird loud interference on Jimmy’s sound file—and decided you know what? It’s just there and it’s going to stay. You can understand what Jimmy’s saying and that’s what matters. When it gets closer to the end the interference goes away, so all was well.
Now. That all said—lets talk about Jimmy. He’s got some great stories of anomalous lights from childhood on to like a week or so ago. It turns out he and I know a lot of the same people, because we ran in the same Neo-Pagan circles back in the 1990’s, so while we were never in the same place at the same time—we still know a lot of folks in common. That’s always cool, to meet someone you almost met way back in the day!
Anyway, he’s got some great stories, and there’s some spookiness, some laughter, and a lot of mysterious stuff.