Episode 127: Where Fairies Meet with Daniela Simina
“Where Fairies Meet.” 2023 Barbara Fisher. Watercolor/ digital mixed media piece. I did the background watercolor first in real live watercolors and paper, then photographed it and imported it into Procreate. Then, I drew the blooming Fairy Thorn Tree on top, and then started pulling the fairy people out of the background. They’re already there, I just need to bring them forward. I added details of foliage and mushrooms, flowers and branches and orbs, then highlighted the portal with glowing digital media.
I’ve been wanting to talk with Daniela for a long time and was thrilled to finally get to it. Her stories are wonderful and her new book, Where Fairies Meet is a really well done comparison between Rumanian and Irish fairy lore—which surprisingly are exceedingly similar. Which leads one to think that there is an underlying truth to these stories.
And then, of course, we talked all things fairies and ancestors and legends and lore, and it was so much fun.
Look for her to come back soon.
Hope you enjoy it!