Episode 42: The Witch: Reclamation and Rebellion with Susan Demeter

Detail of “Reclaiming the Rebellious Witch”:  collage by Barbara Fisher

Detail of “Reclaiming the Rebellious Witch”: collage by Barbara Fisher

Hey, y’all! Hope you’re doing well.

We had such a great response to last week’s episode about the Sexy, Synchtastic Sasquatch that we will have a second episode on that topic in the future, but this week, we are talking about Witches.

I had such a good time talking with fellow Witch Susan Demeter last time, that I invited her back for a little talk about why she and I use the word “Witch” to describe ourselves when that word has such a negative connotation. It was a question a longtime listener posed to me in comments on our first episode together, that I decided we should just have a little sit down with some cups of tea and have a public talk on the subject.

So that exactly what we did. We had a great little afternoon/evening together—we live in vastly different timezones—and discussed what the word “Witch” means to us, and found out that the archetype of the Witch appealed to both of us as little girls, which is pretty telling. (I reckon some of us are just born Witches.)

We had a great time and we will get together again, because there’s lots more Witchy Business for us to talk about.!

As always, here’s a list of the books mentioned in the episode—-and I sure hope you have as much fun listening as we did recording! Thank you!

Cosmic Witch: Magic, Witchcraft and the Supernatural by Susan Demeter
The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Goddess by Starhawk
The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow


Episode 43: Kundalini, Creativity and Anomalous Lights with Seriah


Episode 41: The Sexy, Synch-tastic Sasquatch with Stephanie Quick