Episode 55: Introducing Project HERA with Taylor Bell

One version of the logo for Project HERA. Taylor Bell, 2021.

Way back January, in Episode 8: Aliens vs. AI, we introduced Dr. Christopher Diltz to the podcast audience, and talked about the project we are doing together to take Albert Rosale’s Humanoid Encounters dataset and turn it into a database that uses machine learning and natural language processing to analyze the massive amount of information therein.

At that time, we talked about how once we have the database built and able to parse search queries, create maps, group data by time and place and various other functions, we would begin to create a website to house the database and make its functions and data open to other researchers.

And that’s where Taylor Bell comes in.

He’s a podcaster himself—he does “The Green Lion Podcast,” and is familiar as an experiencer to listeners of other podcasts such as “Where Did the Road Go?” and “Strange Familiars—it turns out he is also an amazing web designer.

And he emailed us back in the summer to offer his services in web design.

Taylor, like myself—had a dream about being able to use advanced AI applications to analyze the gigantic piles of data that have been gathered on not only humanoid encounters, but ghosts, UFO’s, ghost lights, bigfoot, lake and sea monsters and other paranormal phenomena all together in ways that have not been done before.

So, we talked with Taylor, listened to his ideas, looked at his qualifications, and invited him to join the team.

And with his help, we now have a snappier name for our database project, and a cool looking logo for the website. He’s also got the beginnings of a really useable and beautiful design for the eventual website for Project HERA. (Humanoid Encounter Research and Analytics.)

He also talked with us about his UFO sightings, encounters with strange apparitions, disappearing people, and experiences with ritual magic.

Taylor is a lot of fun and has been great to work with. Soon, Dr. Diltz and I will be appearing on “The Green Lion” with Taylor to talk about Project Hera, data analysis and podcasting. And probably other stuff too.

We hope you enjoy listening!


Episode 56: Inner Vision with James Salsido


Episode 54: Monsters, Caesar, and Ghosts, Oh My! with Heather Moser