Episode 57: The Witch Cloud with Chad Redding and Timothy Renner

“You’re the One,.” Mixed media painting depicting the Witch Cloud by Barbara Fisher 2021

This episode is ostensibly about the special 100th episode of Timothy Renner’s amazing podcast “Strange Familiars,” entitled, “The Witch Cloud,” but it really is so much more. It’s a relaxed, wide ranging conversation that starts with a podcast episode and wanders near and far, tackling such diverse topics as ghosts and ghost hunting, cryptids, myriad uses for an astronaut blanket, haunted bridges, advanced paranormal theory, the ethics of invoking unknown spiritual entities and finally, we get around to talking about the Witch Cloud.

Now, if you want to hear Tim and Chad’s episode, it’s available here on Bandcamp. It comes as an MP3 download, a hardcover book with illustrations, a sticker and an embroidered patch. Its three hours of live recordings, scripted audiobook material, and beautiful music, and it would make a wonderful Winter Holiday gift.

Now, I mention in this episode, The Feminine Macabre, a paranormal journal with essays and articles entirely written by women and non-binary people. Edited by Amanda Woomer, the first volume contains an essay by Ivy Boyd entitled, “Scientifi Theories Behind the Paranormal.” This is the essay which contains the idea that cold spots are caused by entities converting human heat energy into another energy that can be used to allow the entity to manifest in some way.

The second volume contains an essay called, “Pseudoscience to Science: Taking the Next Step,” by Ashley Casseday, that touches on many of the concepts Morganna, Chad, Tim and Barbara discuss.


Episode 58: Kindling the Solstice Fire with Susan Demeter and Kiki Dombrowski


Episode 56: Inner Vision with James Salsido