Episode 27: Extraordinary Experiences with Barbara Mango

“Astral Moon” acrylic on canvas by Barbara Fisher

“Astral Moon” acrylic on canvas by Barbara Fisher

Barbara Mango, co-author (with last week’s guest, Lynn Miller) of Convergence: The Interconnection of Extraordinary Experience, joins Morganna and Barbara for loving, compassionate and sometimes hilarious sharing of strange experiences.

Barbara Mango has done research in Near Death Experiences, with which she, has no personal experience.

However, as she learned about the states of consciousness involved in NDE’s, she discovered similarities with many of her own, seemingly different experiences, Thus, she and Lynn Miller found many commonalities among these consciousness-based experiences and the people who undergo them.

The hosts and guest share experiences and insights, and find that many of their own experiences are indeed, similar.

Listen along and hear about psychic contacts with apparitional beings, childhood “imaginary” friends, the common traits among experiencers of having had childhood trauma, and a tendency to mildly dissociate, as well as a range of physical symptoms such as allergies, artistic and creative tendencies, childhood hospitalizations, and electromagnetic oddities.

It’s not all as deep as it sounds. There’s lots of laughter and fun to be had as well.

Authors mentioned in this episode include premier NDE researchers Dr. Kenneth Ring, and P.M.H. Atwater.

Barbara Mango can be found on the web at extraordinaryexperiences.org 

Her and Lynn’s many wonderful blog posts are available here.

My particular favorite of Barbara’s is this one, because it explicates part of why Kendra, Morganna and I started this podcast: we want experiencers to feel comfortable and Let Your Weird Light Shine Bright.


Episode 28: We're Not All Mad Here with Michael M. Hughes


Episode 26: Learning to Fly: Out of Body Experiences with Lynn Miller