Episode 26: Learning to Fly: Out of Body Experiences with Lynn Miller

“Circling Sky” Acrylic on canvas by Barbara Fisher.

“Circling Sky” Acrylic on canvas by Barbara Fisher.

For this episode, Morganna and Barbara greet Lynn Miller, experiencer and co-author of the book, Convergence: The Interconnection of Extraordinary Experiences.

Lynn is a biologist and an experiencer who has been having out of body experiences since childhood,. She describes how these out of body travels occur, how she’s learning to control it and describes how they feel. She tells us about the sorts of places her consciousness goes to while outside of her body, and she talks about the effects these travels have had on her psyche and her life.

As always, books feature strongly in the discussion, so here’s a list of some authors and books mentioned in the podcast:

Barbara Mango and Lynn Miller: Convergence: The Interconnection of Extraordinary Experiences
William Buhlman: Adventures Beyond the Body
Bruce Lipton: The Wisdom of Your Cells: How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology and Spontaneous Evolution
Lynne McTaggert: The Field and The Intention Experiment
Dr. Kenneth Ring: Heading Toward Omega
Dr. Stanislov Grof: Holotropic Breathwork
Paul Eno: Dancing Past the Graveyard
Thomas Campbell: My Big Toe: Awakening
Robert Monroe: Journeys Out of the Body
Ralph Blumenthal: The Believer: Alien Encounters, Hard Science and the Passion of John Mack
Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronicles and The October Country
Theodore Sturgeon: Any of his short stories…
Philip K. Dick: The Valis Trilogy

In addition to these books, Lynn talked a lot about The Monroe Institute where consciousness studies of all sorts are conducted as well as educational workshops on out of body journeying.

Lynn and Barbara Mango have a very active website with a wonderful blog and many resources at extraordinaryexperiences.org

We’ll be presenting an interview with Lynn’s co-author, Barbara Mango in an episode soon.


Episode 27: Extraordinary Experiences with Barbara Mango


Episode 25: Cosmic Witchery with Susan Demeter