Episode 59: Mountain State Ghosts and Critters with Theresa Racer and Brian Clary

Photograph by Barbara Fisher of one of her critters. This one is -not- of a paranormal nature, and is a cat named Tatterdemalion. Though, she does look and act like a goblin, so who knows?

This is a historic episode.

Not only is it the last episode of our first full year of podcasting, it is the first episode where everyone is from West Virginia. I made mention of that at the beginning of the episode, saying something to the effect that the world was gonna end or the internet would explode or something, but none of that happened and in fact, Morganna and I had a great time with our guests, Theresa Racer and Brian Clary.

Theresa writes an amazing blog called “Theresa’s Haunted History of the Tri-State,” which I said I screwed up in the intro—but it ended up I got the title right after all. But trust me—that is the best resource on true paranormal stories from West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky I have ever seen, and I just love the way Theresa writes them. So full of excitement and enthusiasm, and her research is top notch. So, run right over and read that blog. Seriously.

And both Theresa and Brian are members of Spectral Research and Investigation, a paranormal research group out of Huntington, West Virginia. They do great work, and have so many stories to tell about how they go about investigating possible hauntings and what kind of research goes into their work before they even show up on site. They are thorough and very careful and scientific in their approach.

But just because they’re careful and thorough doesn’t mean they’re boring.

Oh, no,, no, no.

They are both, like many West Virginians, born storytellers and they drew us into their experiences and we were breathless a couple of times listening to them.

Especially when they started talking about the critter they unexpectedly found at an antique store when they were looking for ghosts.

What kind of critter, you ask?

Well, you gotta listen to find out, and when you’re done, read Theresa’s blog post about it.

Another story they allude to,”The Haunted Hat,” can be found on Theresa’s youtube channel.

And, if you want to maybe go shopping for antiques and see if you can meet that critter in person—well—check out The Deep End Antiques in Beckley, West Virginia. I kinda want to head out there my own self, and not just to see the critter, since it looks like they carry some amazing art glass, which I happen to collect.

I know we’re gonna ask Theresa and Brian to come on back to the podcast because they were so much fun to talk with, and I am so happy to have them on our last episode for 2021,

Thank y’all for listening to us talk for a whole year. I can’t believe it’s been that long—time’s gone by so fast. I appreciate every one of our listeners and fans, and I love hearing from you and so does Morganna. If there’s anything you want us to cover, or if you have an experience or story to tell, drop us an email. I do read them all and answer them—though I have gotten a bit slower about it recently with the holidays and all.

With that, I hope you have a happy rest of the winter holidays and I look forward to seeing y’all in the new year. We have a great episode planned for our 60th episode and first episode of 2022.


Episode 60: Preaching The Word of John Keel With Zelia Edgar


Episode 58: Kindling the Solstice Fire with Susan Demeter and Kiki Dombrowski