Episode 131: Northern Lights and High Strangeness with Fred Andersson.
Fred Andersson has written a book on high strangeness in Sweden and he visits to talk about the book, Swedish UFO cases old and new, Swedish folklore and anomalous lights.

Episode 130: Something in the Air with WJ
WJ visits with Barbara to talk about her experiences in the air and on the ground. Little flashes, UFOs and MIB all take part in her stories.
Episode 129: Messages, Synchs and Souls with Joe Plante
Experiencer and documentarian, Joe Plante visits with Barbara and tells of messages from beyond, significant synchronicities and the strength of the soul.

Episode 128: Women Of The Paranormal With Alex Matsuo
Author, paranormal researcher and seeker of women's hidden history, Alex Matsuo joins Barbara to talk about her newest book, "Women of the Paranormal." Learning history has never been so much fun.

Episode 127: Where Fairies Meet with Daniela Simina
Author and fairy seer Daniela Sinema visits with Barbara and the two talk about her book "Where Fairies Meet," which is a study of the parallels between Irish and Rumanian fairy lore. They also talk about Daniela's years growing up in Rumania and learning from her grandmother who is also a fairy seer.

Episode 126: Disclosure 2 Electric Bugaloo
Morganna and Barbara chat about what the meaning of this new round of disclosure talk could be, along with other stuff. Including a weird light in the sky and river demons.

Episode 125: Bigfoot and Little Men with Lucinda Morel
Experiencer Lucinda Morel visits to talk about experiencers through the generations of her family. Lots of little people, fairies, Bigfoot and other strange entities.

Episode 124: Gathering Light with Jimmy
Jimmy comes to visit Barbara and tell about his strange anomalous light experiences.

Episode 123: Betwixt and Between: Liminality With Tom
An old friend of Barbara's, Tom, visits to talk about all things liminal.

Episode 122: Superspectrum Psychedelica With Jake and Josh
Jake and Josh tell stories of channelled messages from the Orange World, Shadow People, Aliens, Crawlers and Highly Strange Psychedelic Experiences. And there's a naked guy.

Episode 121: Birth, Death, Rebirth with John Frum
John Frum tells his experiences with death, life, rebirth and alien abduction with Barbara. Trigger Warning: the episode contains descriptions of sexual encounters, some non-consensual. If these sorts of things bother you, or if you let your kids listen with you, please skip this episode.

Episode 120: The Gentle Art of Being Weird With Todd Purse
Illustrator, musician, Comics writer and artist Todd Purse joins Barbara to talk about his own personal vision of the Other and how he hopes it influences his child. And art. And folklore. They talk about lots of things.

Episode 119: Visions of the Past and Future With Hayley
Hayley sits down with Morganna and Barbara and tells tales of a ghost and his hidden treasure, a Lady in White, precognitions, missing time missing objects and more.

Episode 118: Mystery in Blue with James Salsido
James Salsido returns to the podcast to tell Barbara about a mysterious light and a strange cat.

Episode 117: The Deer Trods with Elen Sentier
Elen Sentier is a life-coach, teacher, practitioner of old ways of traditional British magic, and a transpersonal psychotherapist. She visits and talks with Barbara about the old ways and how she's bringing them to her businesswomen students in the 21st century.

Episode 116: AMA About Fairies and Elves With Morgan Daimler and Cat Heath
Morgan Daimler and Cat Heath return to the podcast and answer listeners’ questions about elves and fairies. We only got through half the questions in two hours, so we will record a part two episode in the future.

Episode 115: The Asylum on the Hill, Flowers and Herbalism With Katherine Ziff
Morganna and Barbara welcome a neighbor from just across the ridge, Katherine Ziff, to talk about her books. They include the history of the former Athens Lunatic Asylum, working with children and art, and the history and creation of homeopathic flower essences.

Episode 114: Theosophy and Fairies with Morgan Daimler
Morgan Daimler returns to the podcast and she and Barbara discuss how Madame Blavatsky's interpretations of fairies through the lens of Theosophy changed Western understandings of them considerably.

Episode 113: Visiting with the Wizard and the Woodsman With Tim Renner and Chad Redding
Tim Renner and Chad Redding hang out with Morganna and Barbara, catching up on everyone's projects both mundane and paranormal. Books, bookbinding, printing, paper making, watercolor pigments begin the discussion which then swings around to the nature of The Greys, and of course, those mysterious lights that just seem to follow us around. There's more, of course.

Episode 112: Contacting Fairies with Octavian Graves
Octavian asked Barbara a question: Is there a safe way to seek contact with fairies? It's a question many people might have, so we made an episode about it.